Question on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Some of us turn to believe now that speaking to God directly about our sins rather than through the priest is better. Though that is part of our teaching. What about that? (Francis)

Jesus who was a Jew knew about the fact that we can pray directly to God, especially with The psalm of mercy (51). But when he woke up from the dead he breathed upon the apostles saying ” receive the holy spirit whose sins you forgive they are forgiven… ” John 20:22-23.

Sin causes shame and the devil will find all means/reasons/excuses to discourage us from confessing our sins and receiving pardon and liberation. The Sacraments, including Penance and Reconciliation (Confession), were instituted by Christ himself and given to the Church as a gift.
Even the Pope goes for confession!
Another way of the devil is to make us feel we have not sinned after all or its no big deal.

In the end, just like all the sacraments, its not to the priest that we confess but Christ, and it is Christ himself who forgives us.

The priest only acts in the person of Christ _(in persona Christi)_ and has no power outside Christ, and he cannot even with a gun on him disclose what you have told him in confession.

At the confessional we come to unburden ourselves into the Lord who is represented by his priest
The Lord desires no longer that we take upon ourselves the burden of sin.
The priest has no excuse not to be holy just as the faithful have no excuse. We are all to strive for holiness. And one of the means of attaining holiness is by frequent partaking of the sacraments.

According to Fr. Delight Carbonu, “Anyone who really understands the effect and damage sin causes the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ would notice he cannot go alone before The Lord pleading. If we are sincere we would notice we need help.”

Padre Antonio
(WhatsApp number: +233 541 859198)

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